zaterdag 2 juli 2011

"Torin" by Park Hyo Mi aka Kawaii-chan

Hello everyone!
This is Torin :)

My owner, Neo, received today a package from one of her best friends: Kawaii-chan (on here also known as "Park Hyo Mi".).
And it contained something that made me really happy ^//////^ It's so amazing!!



She has amazing drawing skills :D I'm so happy that she drew me * 3*
Neo and I are very happy with it c: .. I feel so flattered v//////v *mumbles something about that other people never bothered to do such a sweet thing*

Hopefully, some day soon, this blog will be updated again ^////^ Because we have pictures left to share :3
A few days ago Asaro, Hyde and I went on pictured together :D It was so much fun c:
Asaro is so light that Hyde and I could carry him together!! It was so easy. Though I had to bend a bit >////< I feel so tall.. suddenly..

Yes, Kawaii-chan.. I post this stuff on every site possible, haha :P Sorry if it annoys you ;D
Again thanks :D

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik ben blij dat jullie het leuk vinden. :D <3 Torin is ook gewoon zo'n leuke doll ! En de enige doll van je die ik nog nooit getekend heb, Vairon-het-vliegende-hoofd niet meegerekend xD (Hij heet Vairon toch ? @w@)

  2. ja, het is Vairon XD ik vind Vairon een beetje zielig XD de kans is groot dat ik een andere doll neem i.p.v. een lichaam voor hem @w@" -twijfelt soms nog >/////<-

  3. Leuke foto's
    En die tekening is erg mooi! ^^
