woensdag 4 mei 2011

Fitting In?

I took a lot of pictures yesterday XD So am just showing a few now..
I also made Torin a mini top hat today.. it really is tiny!! XD at most 2 × 3 cm.. and it took longer than I thought..
Anyway, on to the pictures.

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his face-up:

body mods:
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top hat:
Photobucket Photobucket


5 opmerkingen:

  1. He looks so cool!
    All your dolls look so different and unique, and that's what I like about them ^^
    I would love to take some photo's of your dolls sometime =)

    And the tophat is cute, I can imagine it took longer to make than you thought..It's so small, it must have been a bit difficult ^^

  2. heel erg bedankt =D
    ik zou dan een keer naar een doll meet moeten gaan ofzo XD

  3. Aaaww Asaro ziet er zo lief en klein uit tegenover Hyde en Torin. xD
    De tophat is zo lief xD <3

  4. @ Park Hyo Mi
    dankje :D
    Asaro is het dwergje >D .. <.<"" ..
